Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sports Ministry Seminar (Part 2)

Last February 9-10, I was in Cebu City for a Sports Ministry Seminar. I met with our sports ministry partners who are very much involved in sports ministry in Cebu City.

We had the chance to discuss what God is doing in the different churches and how sports ministry has made a great impact in their lives. During our discussion, I shared with them Church Sports International (CSI) materials that could help and benefit them in their current ministries. I challenge the leaders to identify other sports ministry leaders who can continue to introduce and conduct sports ministry activities in their local community and churches.

One of the leader who attended was the local coordinator for Evangelism Explosion (EE) and wants to partner with us. I got very excited because his ministry is focus of discipling and doing follow up for people who are serious of their christian walk.

We ended the day committing ourselves again unto the Lord, made a covenant to pray for one another and encourage others to get involve in sports ministry.