Sunday, May 04, 2008

Our Unforgettable journey

April 25th marked the start of our initiation as travellers from Mindanao to the Visayas via land and sea. Bringing with us our vehicle, we left Davao at 6:00 in the evening for a 6 hour-drive to Cagayan de Oro City. Our trip was not at all easy as we trod along the winding roads of Bukidnon. First, the fog was so thick we could hardly see. Second, it rained so hard the reflectors were no longer visible, thus, forcing us to stop in the middle of the road to wait for the rain to disperse. Finally the heavy rain turned into drizzle and we continued our long drive until we reached Cagayan de Oro City at about 12:30 in the morning. We checked-in in one of the inns, woke up at 5:00 am the next day for another 3 hour-drive to Iligan City and another boat ride to Ozamis City then a another 3 hour drive to Dapitan for our 4 hour boat ride that will bring us to Dumaguete City.

In Dumaguete, we visited some of our friends before travelling to Bacolod City the next day. We thought our trip to Cagayan de Oro was the most challenging of all, but we were wrong. Bacolod is a 7 hour-drive from Dumaguete City, but the trip could be shortened if we pass through the undulating route accross the mountains of Negros. That was the most frightening trip we experienced. Once again, it rained heavily as we were climbing the mountains. We could only see the sharp curves and the trees lining up on our right side and on our left. Outside the car was total darkness. We only knew that as we turned every sharp curve, the cleft was just alongside. We continued our spiral trekking until we reached the part where the road was already straight and sloping. Meaning, we were nearing the civilization. Praise God! the long and winding road finally came to a halt. We would say, God was really in control of our car.

Finally, we arrived Bacolod City on April 27, Sunday around 9:00 pm and we were happy to see our family who greeted us with a sumptous dinner. Praise the Lord!

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