Saturday, June 27, 2009

Buhay Sports conquers Aklan Province June 20-27

This sports trip was one of the toughest experience we had. Having only seven (7) players left. One player had to fly back after joining us for four (4) days. Then the challenge began. Marcus Swartz from Leavenworth, KS broke his achilles tendon which had to be casted. His US doctor said surgery can wait till he comes back to the US. Then two (2) before we ended our trip, Quinn Cunnington, another player from Tennessee had a sprained ankle. The rest of the players had soar bodies and were getting tired. But we held on till the final buzzer. Won all our games and ended the trip in high spirit. Praise God!

A lot of churches and pastors were blessed by the presence of the Buhay Sports basketball team. We believe we were able to accomplish our mission against all odds. Thanks for all your prayers last week.

Remember to pray also for the pastors and church workers who are now starting the follow up in their areas.

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