Monday, August 18, 2008

Mission: Batangas Province

Thank you for your prayers and support. Another great trip last July 28 to August 17. Played 26 games, 3 Coaching Seminars and ministered to thousands of people in Batangas Province.

We praise the Lord for his mercy and protection upon all of us. Our team had a great time not only ministering to people but learning the culture as well. Bud "The Cat" Schaeffer, one of the living legends was always there to remind us of our mission. This is my second time to join Bud in a sports ambassadors trip. I will always have wonderful memories with my dear friend. Coach Jim Kessler was our team coach, he currently coaches the Grace College Lancers in Indiana. What a great coach, I learned a lot from him.

On our last day, during our final devotions together, we had the chance to have the other living legend Tine Hardeman share with the team. This was also a dream come true for me, having Bud, Tine and Me together. I was emotional driven by having the 2 legends together. Both started Sports Ambassadors in the Philippines in 1952.

I went home just thanking the Lord for another wonderful trip.

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